Structural Integration is a form of manual and physical therapy that is similar to massage. Like a deep tissue massage, SI can help with circulation and general treatment of pain, injury, and stress. Unlike massage SI does not use oils nor target specific trigger points or muscles during its treatments. Rather, we use anything from gentle to deep contact and movement to work with the connective tissue, fascia, nervous system, joints, bones, and surrounding tissues. Structural Integration intends to not just temporarily relieve pain, but to transform the body; empowering each client to heal and reduce their dependency on pain medication or on-going therapy visits.
Commonly Treated Conditions:
Chronic Pain
Joint Pain
Back Pain & Scoliosis
Low Back & SI Joint Pain
Neck Pain
Hip Pain & Function
Rotator Cuff Injury & Shoulder Pain
TMJ & Jaw Pain
Ankle & Foot Injuries
Knee Pain & Injury
Chest & Rib Pain
Restricted Breathing & Sinus Issues
Stress & Anxiety
Migraines & Headaches
Low Energy Levels & Fatigue
Stomach, Liver, Kidney, GI and other organ pain
Depending on your condition it is recommended to see a physical therapist, bodywork therapist (, and/or holistic nutritionist prior to undergoing surgery. Many conditions can be supported or changed by hands-on physical therapy techniques, diet, exercise, and improved movement patterns.
Injury & Surgery Recovery
If you are recovering from an injury or surgery it is recommended to let the initial inflammation, swelling, and open wounds heal prior to scheduling Rolfing treatments. Rolfing can help to break up scar tissue, improve mobility, and reduce pain at the injury and surgery site. Before scheduling as session insure your doctor has cleared you for massage, physical therapy, or physical activity.